
Adhesive Case vs. Smyth Sewn Books

Discover why adhesive case binding is the superior choice over Smyth sewn books.

When it comes to bookbinding, the method chosen can significantly influence the overall quality, durability, and appeal of a book. While Smyth sewn and adhesive case binding are both popular options, adhesive case binding often emerges as the superior choice for a variety of practical reasons. Whether you’re a publisher or author, understanding the benefits of adhesive case books can help you make an informed decision.

What is Adhesive Case Binding?

Adhesive case binding, commonly known as perfect binding, involves gluing the edges of pages together and attaching them to a cover. This method is widely used for hardcover books due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Advantages of Adhesive Case Books

  1. Cost-Effective: Adhesive case binding is generally much cheaper than Smyth sewing, making it an ideal choice for large print runs and budget-conscious projects without sacrificing quality.
  2. Quick Production: The adhesive binding process is faster, allowing quicker turnaround times than Smyth sewn books. This means your project can move from concept to completion in less time.
  3. Versatility: This binding method is suitable for a wide range of book types and its adaptability ensures that whatever your project, adhesive case binding can handle it.
  4. Professional Appearance: Adhesive case books have a sleek, professional look that appeals to readers and enhances the overall presentation of the content.

What is Smyth Sewing?

Smyth sewing, or section sewing, involves stitching together folded signatures with thread. These sewn signatures are then combined to form the book block, which is attached to the cover.

Drawbacks of Smyth Sewn Books

  1. High Cost: Smyth sewn books are more labor-intensive and time-consuming to produce, resulting in significantly higher production costs.
  2. Extended Production Time: The complexity of the sewing process means it takes longer to produce Smyth sewn books, which can be a drawback for projects with tight deadlines.
  3. Excessive Durability: While durability is often touted as a benefit, the truth is that for many books, especially those not intended for heavy or repeated use, the extra durability of Smyth sewn binding is unnecessary.

Page Pull Strength

There is a common belief in the market that sewn books have more strength than glued books, but the GATF (Graphic Arts Technical Foundation) standard for book strength, known as “page pulls,” provides a precise measurement. Page pulls assess the amount of force required to pull a page from the book, typically testing pages from the front, middle, and end. According to the industry standard, an acceptable book must withstand a force of 3 times its length, meaning an 11” portrait book should endure 33lbs. Bradford & Bigelow has done testing on many books and has found the following:

  EVA Glue PUR Glue Sewn
Front 48 72 64
Middle 56 74 76
Back 43 72 72

Benefits of Adhesive Case Books

Cost and Efficiency

Adhesive case binding is the smart choice for those looking to balance quality with cost. The savings achieved with adhesive binding can be allocated to other aspects of your project, such as better cover design or additional marketing efforts. Furthermore, the quicker production time means you can get your book to market faster, responding to trends and demand more efficiently.

Versatility and Accessibility

The versatility of adhesive case binding cannot be overstated. Whether you’re publishing manuals to curriculum, this binding method is perfectly suited to most needs. It offers a sleek and professional appearance that enhances the reader’s experience without the added expense and time of Smyth sewing.

A Practical Approach

For most books, especially those that are not intended to be heirlooms or heavily used reference works, adhesive case binding provides more than enough durability. This method meets the needs of most readers while keeping costs down and production times short. It’s a practical choice that aligns with the realities of most publishing projects.

Adhesive case binding offers a compelling combination of cost-effectiveness, versatility, and professional appearance. While Smyth sewn books are known for their durability, the added cost and production time are often unnecessary for most books. Adhesive case books provide a high-quality alternative that meets the needs of both publishers and readers, making it the smart choice for your next project.

Ready to explore adhesive case binding for your next book? Contact us today to get started!

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