Case Study: Branding Matters, Achieving a Color Match
Colors can help establish familiarity with your brand. They can evoke emotion, influence purchasing decisions, and affect how a brand is perceived.
Colors can help establish familiarity with your brand. They can evoke emotion, influence purchasing decisions, and affect how a brand is perceived. This educational publisher understood how significant color is in regards to branding and was on a mission to find a printer that could meet their stringent guidelines. Color can vary significantly based on multiple factors which is why choosing the right supplier is critical.
Bradford & Bigelow can match proofs to press sheets without issue due to its G7 Master qualification. However, matching colors to another printer’s press sheets can be difficult as there are unknown factors of the substrate, ink type, density, and possible file manipulation. B&B managed the color upstream of the RIP. By measuring the difference between both press sheets, a single curve was applied directly to the cover file.
With a large run of almost 3,000,000 four-color books in multiple curriculum formats, it was of the utmost importance that this educational publisher’s products were on brand each and every print cycle. By taking a preemptive approach to tackling a color match, B&B was able to match the color perfectly. With the new guidelines in place, B&B will be able to continue to consistently match the colors for all future print runs.